Items where Author is "Naylor, Rhiannon"

Maye, D, Enticott, G and Naylor, Rhiannon (2017) Using scenario-based influence mapping to examine farmers’ biosecurity behaviour. Land Use Policy. ISSN 0264-8377
Naylor, Rhiannon, Manley, Will, Mayle, D, Enticott, G, Ilbery, B and Hamilton-Webb, Alice (2016) The framing of public knowledge controversies in the media: a comparative analysis of the portrayal of badger vaccination in the English national, regional and farming press. Sociologia Ruralis, 57. pp. 3-22. ISSN 1467-9523
Hamilton-Webb, A, Naylor, Rhiannon, Maye, D and Little, R (2016) Compensation and exotic livestock disease management: the views of animal keepers and veterinarians in England. Veterinary Record, na (na). na-na. ISSN 2042-7670
Naylor, Rhiannon and Hamilton-Webb, A (2016) The ‘Good Farmer’: Farmer Identities and the Control of Exotic Livestock Disease in England. Sociologia Ruralis.
Hamilton-Webb, A, Conway, John, Manning, Louise and Naylor, Rhiannon (2016) The relationship between risk experience and risk response: a study of farmers and climate change. Journal of Risk Research, na (na). na-na. ISSN 1466-4461